
“You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.”

– Attributed to Tom Brokaw
As my regular readers would be aware, I completed my four year initial teacher degree last year, and did so with substantial academic success. Graduating with Honours Class I, the Education Faculty Medal and a GPA over six is something I am rather proud of achieving. This afternoon I received a phone call from the Graduation Office, asking if I was planning on attending my graduation ceremony in July this year.
I indicated that I was, and the person with whom I was speaking followed up with anther question.
“You’ve been recommended to be the Graduate Speaker, is that something you would be interested in undertaking.”
Certainly not an honour I was expecting, and I have accepted the offer to undertake this prestigious job.
If someone told past-Brendan that he would achieve everything current-Brendan has achieved, past-Brendan would have laughed uproariously.
Now to write the speech!

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